
Korean Town attacks on single women

A series of four robberies and assaults that victimized Korean women in Koreatown-area apartment building elevators prompted Los Angeles police Tuesday to ask for help finding the man they believe is behind the attacks.

코리아타운의 아파트에서 한국여성에 대한 네 번의 강도폭행이 연달아 일어남에 따라 화요일 로스앤젤레스 경찰국은 피의자를 찾을 수 있도록 주민의 도움을 요청했다.

The incidents occurred between Nov. 9 and Dec. 30 and follow and similar outline: a Hispanic male followed a lone Korean woman into an elevator, assaulted her and robbed her.

강도사건은 11월 9일에서 12월 30일 사이에 일어났으며 히스패닉 남성이 혼자 가는 한국 여성을 엘리베이터로 쫓아가 폭행하고 강도를 범하는 유사한 패턴을 보여준다.

The attacks were called “vicious robberies” in a news release from the Los Angeles Police Department that said investigators believe the same person has committed the crimes. At least once attack was caught on video, which police hoped would help detectives find the assailant.

로스앤젤레스 경찰국의 뉴스 릴리즈는 이 사건을 “악랄한 강도”라고 칭했으며 수사관들은 이 사건들을 동일인의 소행으로 본다고 하였다.  최소한 한 번의 범행이 비디오에 잡혀 경찰국은 범인을 잡는 데 도움이 되기를 바라고 있다.

Video released by police that was taken from inside an apartment lobby showed a man sneaking up behind a woman whose arms were full of packages, then throwing her to the floor so violently that her body spun around on the tile. He fought with her, pulled her purse from her arm, and then fled.

경찰이 공개한 아파트 내부를 찍은 비디오는 한 남성이 한팔 가득히  물건을 든 한 여성을 몰래 뒤따라가 바닥에 난폭하게 내동댕이쳐서 여성의 몸이 타일 위로 한 바퀴 도는 것을 보여준다.  이 남성은 피해자와 몸싸움을 하다가 가방을 빼앗아 도주했다.

The attacker was described as a 20- to 30-year-old Hispanic male standing between 5 feet 6 inches and 5 feet 8 inches tall, and weighing between 130 and 170 pounds. He was often seen wearing sweatshirts and shorts, police said.

가해자의 인상착의는 20세에서 30세 사이의 히스패닉 남성으로 키는 165 센티미터에서 170센티미터 정도이고 체중은 58 킬로에서 76킬로그램 사이이다.  경찰에 의하면 종종 운동복 셔츠와 반바지를 입은 모습이 포착되었다.

“He’s taking [the victims’] purses or any property that they may be holding in their hands,” said LAPD Detective Brenda Hardy.

LAPD 형사 브레다 하디에 의하면 “피의자는 피해자가 손에 든 지갑이나 다른 물건을 빼앗아 간다.”

“On the first couple of robberies he was able just to get the purses really quickly. However, the last couple of robberies, the females have held onto their property or resisted in some way,” Hardy said. “And in each subsequent robbery, his level of violence has been escalating.”

“처음 한 두번의 강도사건에서는 잽싸게 가방을 훔쳐 갔다.  그러나 그 다음 두번은 여성들이 어떤 식으로건 저항하거나 자기의 소지품을 지켰고,”  그리고 “강도가 거듭될 수록 그의 폭력의 수위도 높아졌다”는 것이다.

In an incident that occurred about 2 a.m. Dec. 23 in the 300 block of Alexandria Avenue, the man “sexually battered” his victim, punched her several times and then took her purse.

12월 23일 새벽 2시경 알렉산드리아 애브뉴의 300 블럭에서 일어난 사건에서는 남성이 피해자를 성폭력하고 주먹으로 몇 번 때린 후 지갑을 훔쳐갔다.

Just before 11 p.m. Dec. 30 in the 400 block of Westmoreland Avenue, the attacker followed his victim into an elevator, pressed a sharp object to her neck and attempted to take her purse. When she resisted, he slammed her to the ground, punched and kicked her and then took off with the handbag.

12월 30일 밤 11시 직전에 웨스트모어랜드 애브뉴의 400 블럭에서, 가해자는 피해자를 엘리베이터 안으로 따라 들어가 목에 날카로운 물건을 들이대고 가방을 훔치려고 했다.  그녀가 저항하자 바닥에 밀어 넘어뜨리고 주먹으로 때리고 발로 차고는 핸드백을 가지고 도주했다.

Similar incidents occurred about 4:25 a.m. Nov. 9 in the 300 block of Alexandria Avenue and about 12:30 a.m. Nov. 23 in the 500 block of Hobart Boulevard. In both cases, the man followed his victim into an elevator, punched her and took her purse.

11월 9일 새벽 4시 25분 알렉산드리아 애브뉴 300블럭에서, 그리고 11월 23일 새벽 12시 반에 호바트 불바드의 500 블럭에서 이와 유사한 사건이 일어났다.  두 번 다, 남성은 엘리베이터 안으로 피해자를 따라 들어가 주먹으로 때리고 가방을 빼앗았다.

It was not immediately clear which incident was shown in the video released by police.

경찰이 공개한 비디오가 그 중 어떤 사건을 보여 주는지는 현재로는 명확치 않다.

Anyone with information about the robberies or who recognizes the assailant was urged to call LAPD Olympic Division robbery detectives at 213-382-9460. Anonymous tipsters can call Crime Stoppers at 800-222-8477.

강도에 대해 아는 바가 있거나 가해자를 알아보는 사람은213-382-9460로LAPD 올림픽 지서에 전화할 것이 요망된다.  익명으로 제보하려면 800-222-8477 Crime Stoppers로 전화하면 된다.

번역: LA Translation and Interpretation, Inc.

Carles Puyol Facebook statement translated

Translated from Spanish.  Original text taken from:

By the statement herein, I want to inform you that I have decided to end my work relationship with F.C. Barcelona.

During these three and a half months, I’ve been granted the opportunity to see the other side of the Club. I have learned a lot, and I am very thankful and, now, I will like to experiment other things from a different perspective and from other places. I want to grow personally as well as professionally so that in the future, I might go back to this home and give back everything that you have given me during those unforgettable years. I am still immensely thankful to the employees, the directors, the President, and the Sports Board for trusting and helping me in this transition that has not been easy at all. But most of all to the fans, something that as a player I have lived closely, and now, since my retirement, I feel it more than ever.

I wish I could have said good bye to everyone with my cleats on, but life is not always the way one wants it to be.

I am and have been very fortunate to feel so much affection; therefore, I can only say THANK YOU and I want you to know that you will always be in my heart.

Visca el BARCA.

Medical interpreter as promising job for 2015

“Obama Care requires “free medical interpreter”, so the demand for medical interpreter will increase rapidly, “ says Jenny Park (Certified Court/Medical Interpreter) of   LA Translation and Interpretation Inc. says.

Obama care will provide opportunities for the low income families who could not afford health insurance before, and small businesses will be required to provide health insurance for employees, so the number of non-English speaking patients getting insurance will rapidly increase.  Patient Care and Affordable Care Act which passed in March, 2013  has $940-billion budget allocated to it, and about 44-million more people will have insurances from 2014, and a half of them will be immigrants requiring medical interpreters.  And many states passed laws to require having medical interpreters in all the hospitals, mental institutions and emergency wards.

“If you are bilingual, you can have a dream job by acquiring a certified medical interpreter license. “  You can make $50-$100 an hour while helping non-English speaking immigrants.  You can  be employed full time at a big hospital, and can also work as a free lancer.

Currently, the way to become a medical certified interpreter is to be “nationally certified” through a national accreditation organization.  “The State of California used to have a certification test for medical interpreters, but no more, and from 2010 there has been national certification tests,” explains Dr. Park.

You need to submit a Certificate of 40-hour Training in Medical Interpreting to take the test.

“LA Translation and Interpretation , Inc. has produced numerous court interpreters, is approved by the state government and approved to enroll foreign students by the federal government, and is registered to provide a Certificate of  40-hour training in medical interpreting.”

After acquiring the Certificate, a student has to take the written and oral test. If you pass the test, you have a nationally certified medical interpreter license.   Then you will be re-certified every 5 years

“Our next class starts on September 28, at 9am.” For further information, call  213-385-7781 or visit ,


A translation disaster in the making

30 million Japanese to English translation

Tokyo Electron and Applied Materials are heading toward a merger.  They are still apparently in the process of demonstrating to governmental authorities that the merger will not reduce competition to the point of unfairness and/or demonstrating to their stockholders that they have done due diligence prior to the merger.  Why are we writing about this on a blog concerned with translation?  The ripples of these efforts have already been felt by translator providers, not only in the US, but also in far-off China and India.

Some entity (probably legal counsel for Applied Materials and/or Tokyo Electron) has purportedly ordered 30 million words of translation from Japanese into English, to be done in just three weeks, according to the brokers attempting to do the translation.  From comments heard by translators, the ordering entity has evidently gone to numerous translation brokers in efforts to get this work done.

A number of translation brokers have offered this work to some qualified Japanese-to-English translators at rates that would only be attractive to JA-to-EN translators in India, China, or perhaps Eastern Europe (USD 0.06 and USD 0.07 per word—take note, Applied Materials and/or Tokyo Electron).  Most of these translators seem to be wisely ignoring these comically low offers.

Going around and coming around.  As of March 16th, translators in the US have revealed that they have gotten inquiries from not only a huge translation broker in the US, but also from translation brokers in China (apparently three brokers), India, Italy, and Egypt that the US broker is apparently subcontracting to for the same merger project.  What connection do these subcontracting brokers have with Japanese/English translation? None, other than a desire to broker some of the work to desperate translators willing to work for very low rates.

Late breaking news:  A translator has now revealed that a China translation broker sent her files that are to be translated as part of this project–unsolicited.  So much for confidentiality.

The scenario that could explain this is obvious, but only if you understand the workings of the bulk translation market.  The ordering entity (probably a US law firm) gives the work (or a request-for-quote) to US translation brokers, which turn around and give the work to Chinese and Indian brokers (and, in this case, brokers in Italy and Egypt as well).  In addition to using their very cheap (and often not very good) translators, the Chinese and Indian brokers then, perhaps hoping that there are numerous translators in the US desperate enough to work with a Chinese or Indian broker, go to translators in the US with a ridiculously low rate.

It is time for a reality check on the part of numerous people involved in this comedy.  Doing 30 million words in three weeks, assuming each translator puts out 2500 words per day on average, would require 571 translators working every day for 21 days.  What this tells anybody in the translation business is that it will not be possible to use good translators, who are few in number and usually (because they are good) busy.  The solution to this problem (again, obvious to people in the industry) is to use bad translators, who are available and willing to work cheaply.  Translation brokers are very familiar with where to find bad-but-cheap translators; they are power users of such people.

What will likely happen.  Although the translation brokers claim to translators that they have 30 million words to translate in three weeks, it is utterly impossible for them to do that using qualified translators.  Only a tiny fraction will be given to qualified translators, who are already being offered USD 0.07 per word (again, please take note, Applied Materials and Tokyo Electron).  The overwhelming portion of this work will be done in China, India, or other Third World venues at much lower prices than USD 0.07 per word.  Unless they are reading this blog (and I hope they are), the end users (Applied Materials and/or Tokyo Electron and their counsel) will never know what hit them and why it hit them when they see the garbage sold to them as translation.

Interpreters and translators among most in-demand and high-paying jobs of 2014

With a growing Latino and increasingly diversified population in the United States, there is a demand for interpreters and translators in 2014, among other occupations that make up the Top 12 high-wage, in-demand, skilled positions this year.

While high-paying jobs that offer financial and career security are enticing, there is another perk that comes along with being an interpreter and a translator — personal gratification for helping students and families in need of support and clarification. (The Latin Post takes a closer look at this trend further into the story.)

CareerBuilder teamed up with Economic Modeling Specialists Intl. (EMSI) to identify the occupations that grew by at least seven percent from 2010 to 2013, are projected to grow in 2014, and pay at least $22 per hour. EMSI data is collected from more than 90 federal and state sources, such as the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the U.S. Census Bureau and state labor departments.

“In addition to higher pay levels and solid growth rates, what many of these jobs have in common is a talent shortage,” Matt Ferguson, CEO of CareerBuilder and co-author of the book “The Talent Equation,” tells Business Insider. “Recruitment of skilled labor in specialized areas like information technology and health care has become highly competitive.”

Not only do these jobs offer financial and career security, but they also contribute to the economic growth of other occupations. It also notes that job seekers need to be ready to prove their skills in order to land one of these roles.

“More high-wage jobs will be created in 2014 which will, in turn, fuel the creation of jobs at lower pay levels,” added Ferguson. “The challenge is many of these in-demand, skilled positions are in areas where companies are already experiencing a shortage of qualified labor. As a nation, we need to focus on reskilling workers of all ages and providing them with affordable education to catch up to labor demands in technology, health care and other key sectors.”

According to the report, data for interpreters and translators is as follows:

Total employment in 2013: 69,887

Added 8,377 jobs from 2010-2013, up 14 percent

Median hourly earnings: $22.39

One of the benefits of being an interpreter or translator is the “personal satisfaction and gratification you get when you are able to meet the needs of the students and their families,” says Fabio Castellanos, an interpreter and translator who also happens to be this reporter’s father.

“You can see the appreciation in their eyes during a translation; you can see how grateful they are because they know exactly what is going on and understand how the system works,” he explained.

Another benefit from having interpretation and translation services is that students’ records can be obtained, including Individual Educational Plans (IEPs) as well as medical records, which provides teachers and parents a better idea of their students’ progress and needs.

LA Translation and Interpretation provides 30-hour, 60-hour, 10 weeks, one year and two year program in translation and interpreting.  For more info on how to become a medical and court certified interpreter, please visit



Medical and Cosmetic Surgery Tourism in South Korea

Medical and Cosmetic Surgery Tourism in South Korea

Medical tourism is now a $40 billion market worldwide and is expanding at the rate of 25% per annum. For Californians, in recent years this has commonly been associated with patients traveling to Thailand, Singapore or India, where a range of treatment such as coronary artery bypass, orthopaedic surgery, rhinoplasty, face-lifts or gender reassignment surgery can be obtained with a saving from 65-90% on the cost of similar surgery back home. Many US patients take this option when they find that their medical insurance does not cover the procedure they require. South Korea has entered this market with the aim of becoming not only one of the major destinations for medical tourism, but to offer a service with government support that complies with internationally accepted standards of practice and care, and which is free from the negative associations often attached to medical tourism.

Rising numbers

According to South Korea’s Ministry of Health and Welfare, numbers of tourists visiting the country for cosmetic surgery has increased by 500% since 2009, with over fifteen thousand patients being treated over the last year; revenue from the entire medical tourism sector in 2012 amounted to $453 million, an increase of 300% over the same five year period. South Korean Plastic surgery trips cost an average of $14,000, which includes air fare, accommodation and airport pick-ups. Clinics provide a range of special services such as multi-lingual websites, email, video consultations and medical interpreters. Most clinics are situated in the affluent Seoul neighborhood of Gangnam, which this year opened a visitor center to help patients choose an accredited hospital. The government has taken measures to crack down on hospitals that work with unregistered tourist agencies, and the state-run Human Resources Development Service of Korea offers an examination for qualification as a specialized medical tour operator. The government is actively promoting the industry abroad with a target of creating 20,000 jobs over the next four years.

The Korean Tourism Organization (KTO) has been designated by the government to handle the majority of the promotional work for Korean medical tourism. From 2009, visitors coming to Korea for medical treatment have been able to take advantage of a special visa for a period of 3 months or a year. The KTO advises that patients obtain a written diagnosis and referral from their family doctor, which will provide invaluable information on all their medical needs to the doctors in Korea. Open communication between the patient, family doctor, medical coordinator and South Korean doctors is routine, and patients’ treatment records and aftercare recommendations are sent back to their family doctor. South Korea’s healthcare system is amongst the best in the world, and the Ministry of Health and Welfare works closely with healthcare providers to enforce public health and safety policies. South Korean hospitals are technically advanced in the use of both state-of-the-art clinical technology and management systems, and cutting edge medical procedures; they also maintain a broad approach to therapy that includes traditional eastern practices such as acupuncture and herbal treatments. Recent research by Ipsos puts South Korea’s healthcare system at the top of the league table in terms of improvement in service over the past five years.

Perfecting cosmetic surgery

In a 2011 poll by Seoul city government, 32% of respondents said they would be willing to undergo plastic surgery to improve their looks – a rise of 21.5% since 2009. According to the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, the number of procedures undertaken in 2011 numbered more than 13 for every 1,000 people, which is the highest rate for any country in the world. Hundreds of cosmetic surgery clinics cluster around the Gangnam subway stations in the so-called beauty belt, where Seoul’s reputation as the best place in the world for plastic surgery grows at a pace. Business has never been so good. Kim Byung, who owns BK Plastic Surgery, says that there is a staggering demand for plastic surgery among Koreans, who now flood into the area alongside increasing numbers of patients from around the world. He employs six surgeons and thirty interpreters, who speak – amongst other languages – Japanese, Mandarin, Cantonese, Vietnamese and English. The international nature of the plastic surgery business and the importance of good communication mean that the presence of qualified and accredited specialist medical interpreters is paramount.

Medical interpreters

Patients must make their own decisions about treatment, and these need to be based on informed advice given by the doctor. This is the first principal of good medical practice that can break down when going abroad for procedures and patient and doctor do not properly understand each other. Approximations will not do. In the best of circumstances, doctors can have difficulty understanding a patient who is sick, injured or – in the case of consultations about cosmetic surgery – distressed about their problem or anxious about the surgical procedures. The particulars of a patient’s concerns and the doctor’s medical judgments must be equally clear to both as if they shared the same mother tongue.

Doctors should give advice only; there should be no coercion. The patient should be free to reject whatever he says, even if medically it might not be the best decision. Medical interpreters must reflect this not only in the content of their translations but in the tone of voice and manner with which they pass it on to the patient or doctor, who must both be as comfortable with the interpreter as with each other. The ideal consultation is an open and relaxed discussion of a problem where all participants feel at ease.

Looking to the future

KTO’s Medical Tourism Center’s Deputy Director Hyungtaek Lim said that South Korea’s expertise makes it more than capable of meeting the rising demand. ‘Korea has one of the most specialized industries in the world, with highly advanced technologies. In addition, doctors must undergo a rigorous eleven year training period before they are able to specialize.’ Korean doctors are revered for their skills, which result in shorter surgery and recovery times – ideal for patients who are on short-term visits. The quality of medical services and technology is a major reason why patients choose to come to South Korea.

LA Translation and Interpretation has a subsidiary company Korean Medical Travel Co., Inc. to provide 1-stop service for Medical and Cosmetic Tourism in South Korea.  We provide certified Korean medical interpreters and refer you to the top physicians in Korea as well as plan great trips.  For more info, call 1-866-327-1004.

Medical interpreters and Obama Care

Medical Interpreters and Obama Care

There is no more vivid illustration of the urgent need for certified medical interpreters than the story of Maria Guevara, whose visit to Los Angeles County General hospital for a pregnancy test in 2008 changed her life forever. She was thrilled to learn that she was three months pregnant. When the doctor asked in English whether she wanted to keep the baby she replied without hesitation, ‘Yes.’ The doctor prescribed medication, which Maria took when she got home. She experienced violent pain and bleeding and returned to hospital where the doctor told her she was having a miscarriage. She said afterwards: ‘My baby was dead. The medication the initial doctor prescribed to me was not prenatal care but medication to induce an abortion. Not speaking any English, I was unable to understand his question to me. He did not speak Spanish and no interpreter was provided. Losing my baby forced me into a deep depression. I could not bear looking at or holding babies because the thought brought back painful emotions.’

Legal obligations

According to the 2010 US census, 20% of California’s 6.6 million residents speak English ‘less than very well’ and have experienced problems in understanding their physician or other health care provider. The number and diversity of US residents with limited English continues to grow, putting pressure on healthcare systems and clinicians to ensure equal treatment by providing interpreters. However, those working within the healthcare system are often unclear about their legal obligations.

California is the most ethnically diverse state in the nation and is one of the most advanced in providing legal rights for patients to have access to an interpreter. The need for certified medical interpreters will increase dramatically when millions of people who do not speak English become eligible for health insurance under the Affordable Care Act (Obama Care). To address the anticipated need for medical interpreters, Assembly Speaker John A Pérez (D-Los Angeles) introduced Bill AB1263, which will significantly expand training. This was passed in Senate on September 11, 2013 and enrolled on September 18, 2013. It will ‘establish the Medi-Cal Patient-Centered Communication program, to be administered by a 3rd party administrator, to, commencingJuly 1, 2014, provide and reimburse for medical interpretation services to Medi-Cal beneficiaries who are limited English proficient.’

An improving situation

Under the Affordable Care Act, the federal government will pay most of the cost of providing interpretation for new patients coming into the system. For an investment of $200,000, California will gain $270 million in federal funds for the creation of 7,000 jobs for Certified Medical Interpreters accredited by the National Board of Certification for Medical Interpreters. Even a relatively fluent interpreter, without specialized training, may have difficulty translating the unfamiliar and complex medical terminology used in consultations. With the increasing use of advanced technology in medical procedures, and the use of medical devices in patients’ homes, this can only make the training of specialized interpreters more urgent, particularly when devices for home use arrive without multilingual instructions. On this subject, the website says: ‘better communications [are] needed between physicians, hospitals, care givers and patient.’ They go on to say there should be constant dialogue between patients and healthcare providers to make sure the devices are always used correctly, there are no function problems and that the patient has been properly educated on what to do if something goes wrong.

Unfair to children

Despite the legal framework, there is still a shortage of medical interpreters, and hospitals often rely on help enlisted from non-medical hospital staff unfamiliar with medical terminology, or on patients bringing in friends or family to interpret for them. This may be better than nothing, but it is a system open to errors. Unfortunately, particularly in the case of new immigrant families, it is often the children who are more fluent in English and are therefore forced to take responsibility for translation in difficult and harrowing situations that can leave the child permanently scarred.

Poulinna Po was only 15 when she was needed as interpreter for her father, who spoke only Khmer. Her father suffered from diabetes and did not understand how to take his medication. Poulinna Po understood what the doctor was saying, but did not know the Khmyer words needed to convey this to her father. He eventually died from a brain tumor and complications from a stroke for which Poulinna Po blamed herself.

Dr Hector Flores, a director of The California Endowment (whose mission is to expand affordable, quality healthcare for under-served individuals and communities) said: ‘Children do not have the maturity to understand the importance and seriousness of medical discussions. There could be misunderstandings that could lead to serious problems. Imagine a boy interpreting for a mother having menstrual problems. Parents might withhold information and think they are protecting the child, but this would hurt the medical encounter. It’s never appropriate to depend on a child to interpret.’

Looking to the future

Obama Care remains one of the most controversial federal policies of recent years, with many critics seeing it as a clear case of the federal government overstepping the constitutional limits on its power: they point to the 17 powers given to Congress in the Constitution (Section 8 of Article 1), none of which mentions medical care, doctors or insurance. In 1788 James Madison wrote in the Federalist No. 45: ‘The powers delegated to by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the state governments are numerous and indefinite.’ In order to protect this state sovereignty, 20 or more states have challenged the constitutionality of the new healthcare law, and several have moved to pass constitutional amendments forbidding any law that makes it mandatory for citizens to participate in a health-care system; but surely this is overlooking the enormous need of millions of people for medical care that these measures are designed to address.

With regard to the provision of interpreters, the ad hoc arrangements that for decades have been at least inadequate and at worst dangerous to patients, had to be addressed. Uniform standards, qualifications and quality measures are all provided for under the new act, as well as the setting up of the Community Advisory Committee that ‘shall include interested stakeholders that reflect the diversity of the state in terms of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, immigration status and geography,’ to create and administer a training program for medical interpreters.

In his speech to Congress in 2009 President Obama said: ‘Too many have used this as an opportunity to score short-term political points, even if it robs the country of our opportunity to solve a long-term challenge. And out of this blizzard of charges and countercharges, confusion has reigned. Well the time for bickering is over. The time for games has passed. Now is the season for action. Now is when we must bring the best ideas of both parties together, and show the American people that we can still do what we were sent here to do. Now is the time to deliver on healthcare.’


– Clare Heel –

LA Translation and Interpretation provides Certificate in 40-hour Training in Medical Interpreting in Korean, Mandarin and Spanish, among others.  Call 1-866-327-1004 for more information

Medical interpreters on demand

Medical interpreters on demand

As the nation becomes more diverse, demand for trained, skilled interpreters to help doctors and patients communicate — and avoid potentially deadly misunderstandings — is growing.

Health care regulations require medical providers who receive federal funding to provide interpreters. There’s also growing research on the effects of bad communication on patient safety, said Izabel Arocha, executive director of the International Medical Interpreters Association.

“There’s just been a huge increase in awareness that has changed these practices,” Arocha said.

However, there aren’t always enough medical interpreters to go around, said Rosemond Owens, health literacy and cultural competency specialist at CentraCare Health System in central Minnesota. CentraCare contracts for interpreters from three organizations including The Bridge−World Language Center. Top languages in demand in central Minnesota are Spanish and Somali.

“We don’t have to look too far for what needs there are,” said the Bridge’s CFO and trainer Jan Almarza. “The needs just hit you in the face.”

Programs around the nation that train and certify interpreters in medical terminology, ethics and cultural differences are seeing rising enrollment.

Training at LA Translation and Interpretation takes about 40 hours and outlines best practices and ethical guidelines as set by the National Council on Interpreting in Health Care. There are also oral and written tests to verify people really understand what they claim to know.

Certified interpreter Danny Kim was among the first to go through a training at LA Translation and Interpretation in 2013. A native of Korean, Kim had recently been laid off after working 16 years at the same company and was looking for a career change.

“I simply fell in love with it,” he said. Naturally curious, Kim spends a lot of time learning about medical conditions and treatments and has even observed surgeries to improve his knowledge.

Kim said it’s important but sometimes challenging to maintain professional distance while on the job. He sits to the side of but a little behind the patient and keeps his head down. He must remain impartial, even if the doctor is delivering bad news.

“When I put my interpreter hat on, I’m a machine,” he said.

Still, Kim feels good knowing that he’s helping people. He’s interpreted for children, mental health patients and even a woman giving birth when no female interpreters were available.

“There’s never a dull moment,” he said.

The National Board of Certification for Medical Interpreters has about 500 certified interpreters, said Tina Peña, board president. The program is offered in Spanish and is expanding to Korean, Mandarin, Russian and possibly African languages, said Peña, who is also an instructor at Tulsa Community College.

More hospitals and clinics are realizing the need to use trained interpreters, Peña said. In some cases, hospitals have had to pay to settle lawsuits because of errors attributed to language barriers, she said.

Peña teaches her students not only about medical terminology and privacy laws but also familiarizes them with home remedies popular in Hispanic cultures, such as passing an egg over a sick person to chase away evil spirits.

“She is like a cultural broker, and will explain quickly to the doctor what happened,” Peña said.

Students learn medical terminology and practice typical scenarios, Chesley said. The program also spends a lot of time on ethics, she said.

“You can’t get empathetic with your client,” Chesley said. “You have to be very precise and do exactly what’s required at that particular moment.”

In some cities with a large non English-speaking population, hospitals have added their own interpreters on staff.

At UC Davis Medical Center in Sacramento, Calif., 30%-35% of patients have limited proficiency in English, said Elena Morrow, manager of interpretive services. The hospital has 41 staff members who interpret 16 different languages, she said.

Spanish is the most popular language, followed by Mandarin, Korean, Russian, Ukrainian, Hmong and Mien. The interpreters handle about 37,000 encounters every year, Morrow said.

“We do see the demand is quite steady and increasing little by little every year,” she said.

The salaries interpreters earn vary depending on whether they work on their own or for a hospital or an agency, what part of the country they are in and what language they speak, said Joy Connell, president of the National Council on Interpreting in Health Care.

There are even some interpreters who can work in more than two languages. Those interpreters are in high demand, Connell said.

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports interpreters and translators in hospitals earn a national average of $21.43 an hour and $44,570 a year.

Technology is helping health care providers meet the demand for interpreters. Using phone or video conferencing allows hospitals and clinics – including those in rural areas – to provide interpreters for patients, even if they speak a rare language.

Video systems are growing in popularity, Arocha said, because “it allows for that very quick access, but it also allows for the face-to-face interaction.”

“There are situations where you can’t just rely on audio,” she said.

LA Translation and Interpretation provides Certificate in 40-hour training in medical interpreting in Korean, Mandarin and Spanish, among others. Call 1-866-327-1004 for more information.

Medical trip to Korea

South Korea hopes to multiply by three the number of travelers coming for medical purposes until 2018. Outbound markets from Russia and the UAE are seen as priority.

SEOUL- Korea has ambition to become a major destination for medical tourism within the next five years. The government has been supporting the globalization of Korean medical institutions under a brand campaign “Medical Korea”, in an effort to promote its medical sector abroad. So far, according to the Ministry of Health and Welfare, total number of foreign patients who visited Korea for medical treatment surpassed 110,000 last year, up from 81,789 in 2010. If everything goes according to Korea’s ambitious development plans in this niche market, the country could attract over 150,000 foreign patients this year and target 400,000 visitors for medical purposes by 2018. By comparison, in 2007, less than 8,000 foreign travelers came to Korea for medical tourism.

The government has been making efforts over the past few years to develop medical tourism as one of its new growth engines. An agreement has been for example signed with health authorities in Abu Dhabi to allow citizens from the UAE to get treatment in four contracted local facilities in four hospitals located in Seoul. According to Korea’s Health Ministry, the agreement could generate economic benefits of US$ 52 million per year. Various programs have also been introduced by the government and related state agencies to facilitate the arrival of tourists for medical purposes. Initiatives include the issuance of medical treatment visas, operation of an around-the-clock medical call centre as well as dedicated one-stop medical tourism service centres. Special visa issuance has already helped to welcome in 2011 some 8,259 for countries such as Russia, China PRC as well as Mongolia. Russia is seen as one of the market with the highest potential. An office to promote Medical Tourism has recently been opened in Vladivostok in Siberia.

Speaking with the Korean daily “The Korea Times”, Korea Tourism Organization (KTO)’s chief Lee Charm sees medical tourism as the next big thing for the nation’s tourism industry. “The prospect for medical tourism is fantastic. The area of medical service has unlimited growth potential.” Lee said. The high level of services, the blend of traditional Korean medicines with Western medical knowledge as well as a safe and reliable environment is considered as assets to futher develop medical tourism. Korea medical services are also price competitive, especially when compared to Western European countries. “We are a bit more expensive than Thailand but our environment is much better and safer,” added Lee to the newspaper.