Jung-kyun Kim, SK Telecom T1 coach was a progamer of ‘Starcraft2’. Since 2012, he has been a coach for SK Telecom T1 LoL Team. His team won two times in 2013 and 2015.
Such LoL progamers as `Vinyl Cat` Woo-chul Chae, `Fumandu` Jung-hyun Lee, `Kain` Nuri Chang continued their carrier as coaches of LoL Championship pro teams.
Foreign teams are sending love calls to the progamers and coaches. Coach Yun-sup Choi for ‘TSM’ in North America, and Coach Min-sung Chung for ‘EDG’ in China, for example.
Jungang University in Seoul, Korea introduced a special admission for e-Sports talents from 2014, where LoL players such as Sang-myun Park, Chan-yong Kang, and Hyung-woo Kang and Sehyun Chung (FIFA Online3 Progamer) were admitted to the university.
Some American universities such as Robert Morris provides the same scholarship (up to 50% of tuition) as other Sports Department students to the gamers entering into the Department of eSports.
North Korea Kim Jong Un said at the 8th Worker’s Party Congress that he would make efforts for denuclearization and non-proliferation as a nuclear nation. Click CC to see English subtitles provided by L.A. Translation and Interpretation, Inc.
English subtitles provided by L.A. Translation and Interpretation, Inc.
English subtitles provided by L.A. Translation and Interpretation, Inc.
English subtitle provided by L.A. Translation and Interpretation, Inc.
LA Translation Company has trained and provided medical certified interpreters for Korean FDA auditors who come to the U.S. to audit the U.S. company procedures against the Korean Good Manufacturing Practice so that their products can be qualified to be exported into Korea.
One major step for companies registering medium and high risk medical devices in South Korea is compliance with the Korea Good Manufacturing Practice (KGMP) quality system regulations. Similar to ISO 13485 quality system standards, KGMP is required by the Korean Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (MFDS) for all Class II, III, and IV medical devices. The MFDS will verify KGMP compliance via onsite inspections, conducted either by its own staff or with the assistance of Third Party Auditor.
The Korean KGMP implementation and inspection process
KGMP certification must be secured before you can place any Class II, III and IV medical devices on the South Korean market. In order to obtain KGMP certification, you must submit documentation to an MFDS authorized third party auditor, demonstrating that your device complies with design, risk, technical and related KGMP quality system requirements.
Following submission of your KGMP certification application, your manufacturing site will likely undergo inspection by a qualified third party auditor and/or the MFDS depending on your device’s classification:
Let LA Translation provide language services for your KGMP compliance project
L.A. Translation and Interpretation, Inc. was established in Los Angeles, CA in 2003 to provide language services to break down language barriers. It has a school approved by the state government to train medical and court interpreters.
Contact us at information@latranslation.com or 213-368-0700 to reserve an interpreter/translator.
According to a legend, the first Korean nation existed 5,000 years ago on the northern part of Korean peninsula. Son of God came with other gods, and married a bear who turned into a woman after eating only garlic and green onion in the cave for 100 days. Koreans have developed unique way of life for over 5,000 years. And their language is a part of that culture and is very delicate and unique.
People say Japanese might be worst translators not only because it takes so much time as they have to type in from 64 Hiragana and also numerous Chinese characters when translating from English to Japanese, but also because the syntax of Japanese is so different from English. Korean is more or less the same, although King Sejong who invented 24 characters of Korean seems to have saved many translators of today.
While native Korean people learn English from kindergarten these days, and are very good in translating English into Korean which they practice so much at school, most are not very good in translating Korean to English. First because syntax is different. Order of Korean words are just the opposite of English word. There are expressions that don’t exist in the other language. And since Korean culture is not directed toward saying honestly what is on your mind, sometimes you have read between the lines to catch what it really means. To make the problem worse, some Korean legal documents are just too long to translate into English, sometimes one sentence being two pages long.
How to choose the best Korean translator? A native American would have hard time understanding Korean language, although there could be a few exceptions of those who read Korean newspapers and watched Korean movies and dramas and talked with their parents in Korean most of the times. A native Korean who has MA or above, who majored in literature or was employed at a job requiring much writing like journalist or professor, and who lived in U.S. for 5 years or more, going to school and employed as professional, who had more than 5 years of experience in translation, is my ideal candidate for Korean translation. Otherwise, there would be a lot of misunderstanding of the original, adding and deleting some words and phrases, and unnatural writing style. With such serious documents as legal and medical documents that have impact on human life and liberty, we cannot afford poor translation.
It is obvious that machine translation has not been able to catch up with human mind that lived in both cultures and mastered the delicate nuance of the language.
Contact our Korean Translation Service Division today for top quality Korean to English and English to Korean translation and interpreter services for your legal, medical, technical and corporate documents. We sure know who is the best for you!
“통역사는 21세기의 블루오션 직종이에요” 엘에이 동시통역대학원장 박준희 교수의 말이다. 통역사가 되는 것은 쉽지 않다. 한국에서 태어나 미국에서 공부를 했거나, 미국에서 태어나 한국어를 공부했거나, 상당히 오랜 기간 양 문화에 익숙해진 경험이 있어야 한다. 그러나 일단 그런 인생경험이 있다면, 다른 투자 필요없이 약간의 훈련을 받아 고소득을 창출하며 사람들을 도와주고 사회에 기여할 수 있다.
“향후 5년간 가장 수요가 성장할 직종이 통역사입니다.” 세계화와 FTA와 함께 많은 다국적기업들이 법정분규에 불가피하게 관여되고 전문적인 통역사를 필요로 한다. 특히 법정과 병원은 항상 통역사를 필요로 하는 곳이다. “앞으로는 병원에서도 공인통역사만 통역할 수 있도록 법이 바뀔 거에요.”
“통역사는 변화 무쌍한 환경에서, 많은 것을 늘 새로 배우고 성장하는 매력있는 직업입니다. 보스도 없고, 경쟁자도 없는 편이고, 스트레스도 많지 않고, 전문성만 있으면 되는 편안한 직업이죠.” 서울대학교를 졸업한 박준희 원장은 평생의 반을 미국에서, 반을 한국에서 살면서 대학교수를 하다가 법정통역사가 된 후 엘에이동시통역대학원을 설립하여 후학의 양성에 힘써왔다. “통역사가 되는 것이 어렵지는 않지만, 잘 하려면 피아노나 골프처럼 꾸준하게 연습하며 포기하지 않는 것이 중요합니다.”
“특히 의료통역사 자격증은 법정통역사만큼 어렵지 않고, 일도 쉬워서, 이중언어라면 꼭 도전해 보시도록 권장하고 싶습니다.”
Nobody should buy a ticket from them.
I paid $1400 and purchased a round trip ticket between Los Angeles and Istanbul, Turkey.
Then my business partner wanted me to stay 5 more days. I called cheaptickets.com and asked them to change my plan.
They said I have to pay $75 as penalty to cheaptickets.com and $135 to the airplane. And the flight difference was $1200, so I needed to pay $!410, which was more than buying a new ticket.
It took me an hour because they put me on hold for 20 minutes two times.
I called Turkish airline and they confirmed that a flight was available for the same price, but since I purchased it through an agency, I need to go through them.
So I went back to cheaptickets.com. Now the girl said I needed to pay $310 because she needed to reserve a new flight and the fare difference was $100.
I said I will think about and return the next day.
The next day, a guy answered and did exactly the same thing as the first person. He put me on hold for 20 minutes and told me the flight difference was $1200.
When I said I was told to pay $310 for changing the schedule, the guy said flight schedule changes every day and now it was $1200 more. I had just checked online that it was actually $1385.88.
This is a very unethical company that tries to make money by telling lies. Everytime I call they say different stories.
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