Certificate in Mission Language


1. Non-degree Six- month Program in Asian Mission Language Training

– Purpose

Two serious obstacles to effective Christian Mission in the past has been language and cultural barriers. Mission involves proclaiming the Kingdom of God across borders, for which language learning is essential. Los Angeles is a city where there are certified Interpreters in almost all languages.
LA Institute of Translation and Interpretation has a pool of those interpreters who are willing to provide customized language training for missionaries on Sabbatical, or those prospective missionaries. The available languages are: Spanish, Chinese, Russian, Arabic, and Korean among others.

– Program

Student will complete 24 hours of language training required for field work
A certificate will be given at the completion of the program.

– Courses offered

First Quarter (Setember-December, 2008)

ML 101 Mission English I 3 hours
Study of English conversation and grammar required for missionary activities, including
basic theological concepts. The student will go to parts of Los Angeles for street evangelization.

ML 102 Simultaneous Interpretation of Preaching 3 hours
Practice in simultaneous interpretation of preaching from the mission language to English and from English to the language of the mission field.

ML 103 Bible Translation 3 hours
The student will translate English Old Testament into the language of the mission field with the help of the native interpreter residing in Los Angeles

ML 104 Cross-cultural Communication 3 hours
Study of the culture, religion, and language of the mission field, with emphasis on the cultural aspect of everyday conversation.

CT 101. Consecutive Interpretation I 3 hours
Theory and Practice of consecutive interpretation in mission language

CT 105. Sight Interpretation I 3 hours
Theory and Practice of sight interpretation in mission language.

Second Quarter (January-March, 2009)

ML 201 Mission English II 3 hours
Study of English conversation ad grammar required for witnessing the gospel of Jesus Christ,and the student will write testimonies and preachings in English . The student will visit hospitals and jails for evangelization.

ML 202 Preaching II 3 hours
Training in preaching in the language of the mission field, with the help of the
native interpreter residing in Los Angeles.

ML 203 Bible Translation II 3 hours
The student will translate the New Testament into the language of the mission field with the help of the native interpreter residing in Los Angeles.

ML 204 Literature Review 3 hours
Study of contemporary literature of the mission field.

CT 201. Grammar, Vocabulary, and Reading Comprehension 3 hours
Study of grammar, vocabulary, and reading comprehension in mission language.

CT 202. Simultaneous Interpretation I 3 hours

Theory and Practice of simultaneous interpretation in mission language.

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