Mandarin Interpreting Program


1-year Certificate in Translation and Interpretation

L.A Translation and Interpretation is a school in Los Angeles that provides 1-year Certificate Program in Mandarin Translation and Interpretation. We have provided top quality training for court and medical interpreters by court certified interpreters since 2003. We are conveniently located in Downtown Los Angeles, and parking is convenient and free. Please call 213-368-0700 for more information.

 1-year Certificate in Translation and Interpretation Program

Fall Quarter  (September-November)

CT 101. Consecutive Interpretation I

CT 105. Medical Interpreting

Winter Quarter (January – March)

CT 106. Sight Translation I

CT 302. Simultaneous Interpretation I

Spring Quarter  (April – June)

CT 202. Simultaneous Interpretation II

CT 411. Sight Translation II

Summer Quarter  (July-August)

CT 401. Intensive Court Interpretation

CT 405. Written Test Prep


Mandarin court interpreting  Sat 9-12 (Starting 9/14/2019 -11/16/2019)  Instructor Savi Huang $690 for 30 hours
Mandarin medical interpreting Sat 2-5 (Starting 10/12/2019 -1/11/2020) Instructor Jia-wei Hwang $890 for 40-hours

 To register for a course, please fill out an application form and send to us

E-mail completed forms to no later than a WEEK PRIOR to the first day of instruction to be eligible to enroll.



School Catalogue

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