Useful German Phrases

German is a part of the West Germanic family of languages, and is closely related toDutch , English, Frisian and Yiddish. It has approximately 121,000,000 speakers.

German is the official language in Austria, Germany, Liechtenstein and Switzerland and has official status in Belgium and Luxembourg. Home speakers can be found in France, The Netherlands, Denmark, Italy, Hungary, Romania, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Kazakhstan and other republics of former USSR. German dialects are divided into Low German, spoken in the flat northern areas, Upper German, spoken in the mountainous south and Austria, and Central German. These 3 categories are also all divided into west and east. On top of that, there’s a separate designation of the German spoken in Switzerland, Swiss German or Schwyzertüütsch.

Vowels Consonants

a: short as in the ‘u’ in ‘cut’                          ch: as in ‘loch’

au: as in the ‘ow’ in ‘vow’                             j: as the ‘y’ in ‘yet’

ä: as in ‘hat’ or long as in ‘hare’                      ng: like ‘strong’

äu: as the ‘oy’ in ‘boy’                                  qu: as ‘kv’

e: as in ‘bet’ or long as in ‘obey’                     r: triled or guttural

ei: as the ‘ai’ in ‘aisle’                                    s: as in ‘see’ os the ‘z’ in ‘zoo’

eu: as in the ‘oy’ in ‘boy’                               sch: as the ‘sh’ in ‘shore’

i: as in ‘inn’ or long as in ‘marine’                     st: pronounced ‘sht’

ie: as in ‘siege’                                             sp: pronounced ‘shp’

o: as in ‘pot’ or long as in ‘note’                      v: like English ‘f’

ö: as the the ‘er’ in ‘fern’                               w: as in English ‘v’

u: as in ‘pull’                                                 z: as in the ‘ts’ in ‘tsar’

ü: similar to the ‘u’ in ‘pull’

Greetings and Small Talk

Hello: Hallo

Good Morning: Guten Morgen

Good Day: Guten Tag

Good Evening: Giten Abend

Goodbye: Auf Wiedersehen

Bye: Tschüss

Yes: Ja

No: Nein

Where?: Wo?

Why?: Warum?

How?: Wie?

Please: Bitte

You’re welcome: Bitte

Excuse me: Entschuldigung

I understand: Ich verstehe

I don’t understand: Ich verstehe nicht

Do you speak English?: Sprechen Sie Englisch?

What does . mean?: Was bedeutet .?

What’s your name?: Wie heissen Sie?

My name is .: Ich heisse.

How are you? Wie geht es Ihnen?

I’m fine thanks: Es geht mir gut, danke

Where are you from?: Woher kommen Sie?

I’m from . : Ich komme aus .


Where is .?: Wo ist .?

How do I get to .?: Wie erreicht man.?

Is it far?: Ist es weit vin heir?

Street: die Strasse

Town: die Stadt

Behind: hinter

In front of: vor

Opposite: gegenüber

Left: links

Right: rechts

North: Nord

South: Süd

East: Ost

West: West


I want to go to. : Ich möchte nach.fahren

Where is the.?: Wo ist .?

Bus Stop: die Bushaltestelle

Metro Station: die U-Bahnstation

Train station: der Bahnhof

Airport: der Fulghafen

The next: der/die/das nächste

The last: der/die/das letzte

Ticket office: Fahrkartenschalter

One-way ticket: einfache Fahrkarte

Return ticket: Rückfahrkarte


I’m looking for..: Ich suche.

A hotel: ein Hotel

A Guesthouse: ein Pension

Where is a cheap hotel?: Wo findet man ein preiswertes Hotel?

How much is it per night? Wieviel kostet es pro Nacht?

May I see it? Darf ich es sehen?

Single room: ein Einzelzimmer

Double room: ein Doppelzimmer

For one night: für eine Nacht

For two nights: für zwei Nächte


What time is it? Wie spat ist es?

It’s ten o’clock: Es ist zehn Uhr

In the morning: morgens

In the afternoon: nachmittags

In the evening: abends

When? Wann?

Today: heute

Tomorrow: morgen

Yesterday: gestern


Breakfast: Frühstück

Lunch: Mittagessen

Dinner: Abendessen

Menu: Speisekarte

Restaurant: Gaststätte

Pub: Kneipe

Supermarket: Supermarkt

I’m vegetarian: Ich bin Vegetarier(in)

The bill please: Die Rechnung, bitte

Soup: suppe

Chicken: huhn

Veal: Kalbfleisch

Lamb: Lammfleisch

Beef: Rindfleisch

Ham: Schinken

Fish: Fisch

Salad: salat

Beer: bier

Coffee: Kaffee

Milk: Milch

Juice: Saft

Tea: tee

Wine: wein


1: eins

2: zwei/zwo

3: drei

4: veir

5: fünf

6: sechs

7: seiben

8: acht

9: neun

10: zehn

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