When you are in a country like France it can be a very over whelming experience. Because it is not what you should go see, but what you should start with first. Paris is the largest attraction in France and when you are there you get a sense of artistry and relaxation that Paris is famous for. Every Paris France native you run into jolts your imagination that you might be meeting the next Famous painter. There is any number of locations to visit and see while you are there here is a list of the Top Ten must See places in France
1.) The Louvre
The most famous of art galleries in the world and is a must for any visitor to Paris, France. It contains more history of France or the world for that matter than any other museum. It houses the greatest artistic talents from the past including Leonardo da Vinci. Considered the most famous painting ever created, his Mona Lisa sits in a pose and possess that secretive knowing smile that is a must see.
2.) The Eiffel Tower
The next stop on our list of famous land marks that are a must see while visiting Paris France is the Eiffel Tower. In history the tower was once ridiculed by Frances top artistic artist as the worst monstrosity ever creates. Of course now it is regarded as one of Paris Frances main attractions. It is one of the world’s wonders. Inside you can pick up a number of souvenirs, dine in fine restaurants and then take a elevator to the top and have a wonderful view of Paris at night.

3.) French Riviera
France has some of the most exotic beaches in the world, the most famous of these destinations are nice, Canne, and St Lopez. Its beaches are so magnificent and are the most perfect place for a romantic interlude on your trip. The night life along these area is unparalleled, whatever you imagine can happen most likely will.
4.) The Cathedral of Notre Dame
Notre dame was made famous in the book by Victor Hugo. The entire story of Notre dame revolves around a humpback which we have learned to cherish and love. It is famous for its stone architecture complete with magnificent relics of old Christianity along with gothic faces of gargoyles. The Notre dame Cathedral is a must see on your tour. So make sure you remember your camera when visiting this historical icon.
5.) Napoleon’s Arc de Triumph
Another must see for French history buff is the famous land mark Arc de Triumph. It was originally built in honor of the French military that fought alongside napoleon in the noplainic wars. Watch out the natives might tell you when you get there that if you don’t know your way around Paris you may just end up going in circles around this great landmark. Due, to the confusing degrees of traffic entering and leaving this roundabout in the middle of Paris.
6.) Disneyland
Of course if you are looking for a little western sanity where better to find it then a Disney Euro. It has all the inner workings of Disney land in the states with nightly parades fireworks and many different attractions that are fun for the entire family. You won’t be totally out of Europe if you go here because there is a French twist to everything. (Smile)
7.) Historic Normandy
During the mid 20th century Germany ravaged the land or France. During that time many countries fought and died to get rid of the Nazis once and for all. Normandy is one of these places where the dead are honored for their great service is in Normandy. Normandy itself has seen too many wars and battles, the most famous being fought here in the early fourteen hundreds by Joan of Arc.
8.) Lourdes
One famous religious landmark in France is where the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to Bernadette Soubirous. It is now a popular place to pilgrimage and devotees to the Virgin Mary. So as well it has become a very popular tourist attraction as well. Some still say that in the right light you can still see the Virgin Mary here and when you do all your ills are taken away. Will you be the next one to see the Blessed Virgin Mary?

9.) Musee d’Orsay
This is another famous land mark museum it is actually located in a old railway station. It is just another testimony at how much the French love their old world art. If you are a art lover as well the French are more than willing to help you through the concepts and generalities of their famous art work.
10.) Vineyards
Of course what is France without their famous wine as well? French Vineyards produce some of the most extraordinary wine on the face of the planet. There are many wine tasting and tours that you can go on when you visit them so why not get a little buzz while enjoying it. If you go while it’s in season you can usually find wine celebrations and help squish the grapes for next seasons wine production.
No matter what you decide to do in France don’t miss these top 10 sites and truly enjoy your French Experience.