1-Year Certificate Program in Translation and Interpretation
L.A. Translation and Interpretation provides 1-year Certificate Programs in Translation and Interpretation. We currently offer programs in Armenian, Korean, Mandarin, and Spanish. Please contact us for languages not listed as new classes are added every quarter.
Program Description
A program designed to provide the student with the foundational knowledge needed to enter the legal and medical industries as proficient and successful interpreters. This program will provide the student with competencies needed within the translation and interpretation profession. It will refine and develop the student’s areas of interest for future work and provide a foundation for further voluntary licensure and professional recognition. The program is designed to prepare the student for court, administrative hearing, and medical interpreter certification test held by the State government. Certificates of completion will be given to those who fully completed the 24-hour program in Court, Administrative Hearing, and Medical Interpretation programs. Foreign students are required to spend 6 hours in Lab practice and 6 hours in guided self study on campus.
Graduation Requirements
The student must complete the program with a minimum GPA of 2.0 and must also satisfy all tuition obligations prior to graduation. Students in this program must meet minimum attendance requirements in addition to meeting all course requirements to graduate from the program.
1st Quarter (September-November)
CT101. Consecutive Interpretation I (3 hrs)
CT105. Sight Translation I (3 hrs)
2nd Quarter (December-February)
CT 106. Sight Translation II (3 hrs)
CT 202. Simultaneous Interpretation I (3 hrs)
3rd Quarter (March-May)
CT 201. Written Test Prep (3 hrs)
CT 302. Simultaneous Interpretation II (3 hrs)
4th Quarter (June-August)
CT 401. Intensive Court Interpretation (3 hrs)
CT 411. Intensive Medical Interpretation (3 hrs)
Wireless language lab, TV and video, and projector are used as equipments for the program. The students should bring a tape recorder to record the source, instructor, and their own interpreting.
See below for course description.
Certificate and attendance requirements:
A pass for the four quarters named above is required to a certificate. No exceptions will be made to this policy.
A minimum average of 60% (C) is required in the weekly quizzes on specialized terminology for a pass, but this grade will be combined with performance in class and in the final quarter one-on-one evaluations.
Since fluency in both English and chosen language is paramount for an interpreter, a pass grade is required both English to language and language to English components. A pass for English to language but a fail for language to English (or vice versa) will result in a fail for the whole quarter. Students who fail one quarter are provided one additional opportunity to make-up the insufficient grade with enhanced requirements (additional terminology and a minimum grade of 65% is required to pass).
If a student fails to pass the quarter during the make-up opportunity, it will be mandatory for that student to retake the quarter within a year and pass in order to receive the certificate.
A minimum 70% attendance is required to pass each quarter. No exceptions will be made to this policy. If a student fails to attend 70% of classes for each quarter, it will be mandatory for that student to retake the quarter within a year and pass in order to receive the certificate.
CT101. Consecutive Interpretation I (3 hrs)
The student will learn the basic skills of consecutive interpreting such as note taking and retention, and exercise consecutively interpreting in court settings. Interpreter’s code of ethics will be covered during this course. Various objections and motions will be learned.
CT105. Sight Translation I (3 hrs)
The student will learn the different syntax of two languages and how to analyze the structures to improve the speed of sight translation. The student will translate English legal text into the second language and vice versa, to be evaluated rigorously by the instructor. Legal vocabulary will be mastered. There will be basic introduction to criminal procedures in the U.S.
CT 106. Sight Translation II (3 hrs)
The student will sight translate various legal documents such as Advisement of Rights, Police Report, Autopsy Report, Probation Report, and Contracts. By the end of the class, the student will increase speed and accuracy and will be able to sight translate like a professional.
CT 202. Simultaneous Interpretation I (3 hrs)
The student will practice shadowing, dual task, and paraphrasing to learn to speak and listen at the same time, and then practice simultaneously translating slow and simple sentences. By the end of the class, the student will be able to do the basic simultaneous interpreting of court proceedings. Legal vocabulary will be mastered and detailed explanation will be given on each crime.
CT 201. Written Test Prep (3 hrs)
The class is designed to prepare the student for a written test to become a court certified interpreter. Focus will be given on interpreter’s code of ethics, vocabulary, and reading comprehension of English.
CT 302. Simultaneous Interpretation II (3 hrs)
The student will enhance their simultaneous interpreting skills by further practicing in the context of various criminal cases. Opening Statements, closing statements, jury instruction, motions, and sentencing will be practiced. By the end of the class, the student is expected to be equipped with the skill to pass the court interpreter certification test.
CT 401. Intensive Court Interpretation (3 hrs)
This course is given in the last quarter and is consisted of mock tests to become a court certified interpreter. Mock oral tests will be given consisting of consecutive, sight, and simultaneous interpreting to train the students for the certification test.
CT 411. Intensive Medical Interpretation (3 hrs)
A court certified interpreter would also work in medical and administrative hearing settings in California. This course will train the student to competently interpret in medical settings and cover interpreter’s code of ethics, medical vocabulary, consecutive interpreting in medical settings, and sight translation of medical texts.
Please contact us with any questions you may have. (213) 385-7781.