10 Useful Portuguese Phrases for Meeting and Greeting
These are more essential than useful! See the tips below!
Hello………………..Ola! (ohlah)
Pleased to meet you!…..Um prazer! (oom prezair)
Good morning!…………Bom dia! (bomb deeya)
Good afternoon!……….Boa tarde! (bowah tarde)
Good evening/night!……Boa noite (bowah noyte)
How are you?………….Como esta? (koomoo istah)formal
What’s your name?……..Como e que se chama? (Koomoo eh kuh se shamah?)My name is …..Chamo-me Susan (shamah meh …..)
I’m American…..Sou (sou)americano/a
I’m British…..Sou britanico/a
I’m Chinese…..Sou Chinese/a
I’m Canadian…..Sou Canadiano/a
Goodbye!…..Adeus! (adayoosh)
GENDER ISSUES! Adjective endings show if the person or object is male or female. There’s “O” endings for MASCULINE and “A” endings for FEMININE. So it’s “obrigado” (male speaker) and “obrigada” – (female speaker.)I indicate possible choice with – o/a.
TIP! Portuguese greetings are FORMAL quite often even with friends and recognize the time period of the day. One minute past midday and you’re talking Afternoon. Just using these phrases for greetings helps you establish more friendly and respectful relationships.
TIP! Kissing on meeting among friends and strangers is customary with a peck either side of the face men to women and woman to woman. Men shake hands. The Portuguese kissing routine is hilariously to American and Canadian kids meeting countless cousins at Portuguese family reunions!
5 Useful Portuguese Phrases of Courtesy
Portugal’s general communication style is friendly and a reserved tone and ample phrases courtesy. In Lisbon and the North there’s an old time formality been strangers and even among good friends. Here’s 5 useful Portuguese phrases for any situation!
Please….Faz favor (fash fahvor)
Thank-you very much….Muito/a Obrigado/a (mewto obreegad-oo/ah)
Of course/please go ahead….A vontade! (a vontaduh)
Sorry!….Desculpe! (diskulpe)
Excuse me!….Com licenca! (kom leesensah)
TIP! “COM LICENCA!” a really useful Portuguese phrase for asking permission to take something like a seat at a table or trying to get past someone in a crowded cafe or off a Lisbon Tram.
TIP! “DESCULPE!” is a great word for getting attention or service just about anywhere including Restaurants and Stores.
TIP! If all other useful Portuguese phrases fail you – point to what you need and simply add “faz favor” on the end! This means your request is still polite. Use “faz favor” with an object such as “Agua se faz favor!” for “I’d like some water please!” or “A conta se faz favor!” “I’d like the bill please!”
Useful Portuguese Phrases – Generally Out and About !
Do you speak English?…..Fala ingles? (fahlah inglesh)
I don’t understand……..Nao entendo (now entendoo)
Speak slower please!……Mais devagar, por favor!(maysh devagar)
Do you understand?……..Comprende?(compreendeh)
Excuse me, where’s …?…Desculpe, onde fica…?(ohndah feeka)
Is it near/far?………..E perto/longe? ay peartoo/lonsh)
Is there a ……………Ha um/uma (M/F object)(ah)oom/oomah
Are there some…………Ha ums/umas (ah oomsh/oomash
I want/I don’t want…….Quero/nao quero (kehroo/nau kehroo)
How much is it?………..Cuanto custa? (kwantoo kushtah)
This/that………………………Este/Esta (m/f)(ishteh)/ Ishtah)
Those………………………….Aqueles/Aquelas (akelush/ash)
TIP “Ha?” followed by an object is the simplest way to ask for something you can’t see, such as, “Ha um banco perto” – Is there a bank near? or “Ha sopa?” Is soup available?
Useful Portuguese Phrases for Portuguese Breakfast
Well this is a wonderful and rich subject so I just list possibilities to choose from. Enjoy your Pequena Almoca!(pkeinya almosa)- Breakfast!
I’d like a/some ….Gostaria um/uma (goshtaria oom/oomah)
Croissant/custard filling…..Croissant com nata
Croissant/almond top/filling….Croissant com almendoa
Croissant with chocolate….Croissant com chocolate
Puff pastry with chocolate….Panik
Toast with butter….Torrada com manteiga
Thick slice white bread….Pao de forma
Bread roll….Paozinha
Traditional corn bread….Broa
Wholemeal bread….Pao integral
Mixed grain bread….Pao mistura
Strawberry jam….Compote de morango
French baguette toasted….Torrada em baguette
Toasted cheese and tomato….Torrada de quijo com tomate
Ham and Cheese Sandwich….Sandwich de fiambre e queijo
Cured Ham sandwich….Sandwich de presunto
Soft bread with chorizo….Pao fofinha de chourico
Cheese/Ham toasted sandwich….Tosta mixta
Traditional custard cake….Pastel de nata
Rice flour cake….Bolo de arroz
Chocolate cake….Bolo de chocolate
Orange cake…..Bolo de laranja
Carrot cake….Bolo de cenoura
Nutty sponge cake….Bolo de noz
Almond Tart….Tarta de almendoa
To Drink? Para Beber?
Cold or room temperature……Frio/Natural?Carbonated or uncarbonated….Com gas/Sin gas?With ice/without ice……….Com gelo/Sem gelo
Mineral Water carbonated/not….Agua mineral (com gas/sem gas)Mineral Water with Tea……….Brand name “Pleno”
Freshly squeezed orange juice…Sumo de laranja naturalLow/sugar-free fruit juice……Brand name – “Compal”Fruit juice/milk mixture……..Brand name – “Santal”
Tea (with milk)……………..Cha(com leite)Tea without milk…………….Cha preto Green Tea…………………..Cha verdeIced Tea (Canned/sweetened)…..Ice Tea
Hot chocolate……………….Chocolate quenteChocolate flavored milk drink…Leite chocolatado