ESL Program

The School of Translation and Interpretation also provides IEP of 1080 hours (18 hours per week) for students whose  native langauge is not English, to improve their English to ultimately get into Translation and Interpretation at our Institute or pursue specialized majors of their interests at colleges and universities.
The objectives of the IEP Program are to
1.              Demonstrate an ability to do complex research projects using English as their secondary language.
2.              Demonstrate an ability to use verbal and auditory skills within an American college setting.
3.              Function within American culture using English as a supportive language to pursue further college or
graduate training.

4.             Understand areas for further developing and refinement of English communication skills to take and pass a TOEFL
test for admission to their selected college or university.
Intensive English Programe 1080 Clock Hours (18 hours a week)

Program Description

This program will provide the student with the opportunity to learn English to facilitate their goals of admission to a US approved or accredited college or university. The program will provide assessment of English skills for non-speaking English adults and then place the student into an appropriate level for development of their English abilities. Upon completion of the program the student should be prepared to take TOEFL for admission to their appropriate school for further education. The program will prepare the students to do research, communicate concepts, participate in discussion groups and to achieve a level of English communication skills appropriate to their selected studies.

Time:  Mondays through Thursdays  9am-1pm  Friday  2 hours lab hours


Graduation Requirements
Graduation from the IEP program will be recognized upon successful completion of all levels of IEP training with a minimum grade of C or better, attendance in at least 70% of the scheduled class sessions and payment of all financial obligations.
Program Requirements

IEP Beginning Level 1, 2, 3 – 120 clock hours for EACH class
IEP Intermediate Level 1, 2, 3 – 120 clock hours for EACH class
IEP Advanced Level 1, 2, 3 – 120 clock hours for EACH class

The ELS Intensive English Program will help you significantly improve your English skills, achieve greater fluency, and fully prepare you for university study in the USA. More than 600 universities, colleges and career schools accept completion of an advanced ELS level as meeting the English language requirement for admission.
  The Intensive English Program curriculum includes 1080 hours (18 hours per week) of classroom instruction and practice in all key language skills: speaking, listening, pronunciation, vocabulary, reading and writing.
Students practice conversation skills and other speaking skills using practical, real-world English, learn to write with accuracy and effectiveness, develop strategic listening skills and improve their use of grammar.
Skills Enhancement Classes allow students to customize their program to suit individual interests. Sample classes include American Idioms, American Film, Current Events and American Culture. Choices vary by location.
 In our new Language Technology Centers, students work on their individual language skills and objectives through technology-supported learning.
Contact America! provides students with regular opportunities to meet and speak with Americans, visit and observe university courses, listen to guest lecturers and participate in local excursions.

Sample Class Schedule

Structure/Speaking Practice
Sentence Skills
Beginning Conversation

Program Pricing

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