법정통역사 박준희

Korean certified court interpreter

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2012년부터 서울에서 민사 및 형사 법정통역을 제공합니다.
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학력및 경력

서울대학교 외교학과 졸업

뉴욕주립대학교 정치학 박사

죠지아주 에모리 대학교 교수

한국 아세아연합신학대학교 교수

미국 베데스다 대학교 부총장

엘에이 동시통역대학원 원장



Recent Translations

– Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck, LLP, Korean pop music copyright litigation documents

– Astrazeneca, Clinical Study Protocol, A Phase I, Open-Label Study to Assess the Safety, Tolerability, Pharmacokinetics and Preliminary Efficacy of Ascending Doses of AZD0156 in Combination with either Olaparib, cytotoxic chemotherapies or novel anti-cancer agents in Patients with advanced malignancies

– Trial documents of a criminal case on Embezzlement and Breach of Trust involving a prominent mobile communication company

– A Clinical Trial comparing treatment with Cangrelor to Usual Care, in subjects who require Percutaneous Coronary Inteprevention

– Swarovski Brand Designated Manufacturer Agreement and Brand Logo License Agreement

– Daum Games , Item Bay, Bigpoint Games Channeling Agreement

– Rhinox – Hats On Trial Documents and Settlement Agreement

– Eland Shareholders Agreement

– Trial documents involving Jinro America and Hite USA

– Registered patent: A Biological Composite for Prevention and Treatment of Post-weaning Multisystemic Watig Syndrome in Weaning Pigs

– Registered patent: A method of coating kitchen utensils

– Cysco PIM multicast routing GigabitEthernet Interfaces Gigabit Etherchannels

– SIR-Spheres, Manual Radiation Injection Device for Brachytherapy, Emergo Korea.

– Boeing, JDAM Program contract

– Legal documents re: Dynatec Madagascar S.A. vs. Daewoo International and Hyundai Engineering Co., Ltd.

–  Quinn Emanuel, Urghuhart & Sullivan, LLP, Apple vs. Samsung trial documents

– Paul Hastings LLP, Dupont vs. Kolon trial documents

– Lanier Law Firm, Graphics Holdings Properties vs. LG Electronics, Inc.

– Lieff Cabraser Heimann& Bernstein, Stanislaus Food Products Company v. USS-POSCO Industries

– Discover Network, Promotional materials

– Sheppard Mullin, Richter & Hampton LLP, T3Micro Inc vs. SGI Co., Ltd.  Complaints, Discovery, Legal  documents

– Pearson, Simon Warshaw, Penny LLP – TFT-LCD Anti Trust Litigation documents

Law Office of Lee, Hong and Daggerman, Korea Iport and Export Corporation, Center Bank, etc. against KDI

– Engel & Engel BBK case documents

– Dongbu Life Insurance, Korean court decisions

– Patents: LG refrigerator, Samsung mobile hone technology, light emitting diodes, Detal implant driver, a recording medium for broadcsting rich content, air damper for mobile furni, refrigerator beverage discharging divice, a substitution type electroless gold plating solution, etc.

– Boeing F-15 Next gneraton fighter

– Raytheon Surfact Anti Air Missile, MK-49 Guided MIssile launching system

– LG Philips SCD Module Service Manual

– New York Life promotion materials

– SONY audited financial statements

– Holyname Hospital documents, Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles Autism Roadmap