Chinese Certified Interpreters

Chinese Translation 中文笔译服务 Chinese Interpreters 中文口译服务
Chinese Certified Translation


Chinese Court Translation


Chinese Patent Translation


Chinese Certified Interpreters


Chinese Medical Interpreters


Chinese Phone Interpreters


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Chinese Cantonese and Mandarin court certified interpreters


We have a pool of over 70 Chinese and Mandarin court certified interpreters to choose from for your deposition, court trials, arbitration, attorney-client interview, document translation, and many more.

我们拥有超过70名中文和普通话法庭认证口译员。我们提供的翻译业务包括宣誓作证,法庭审判,仲裁,律师 – 客户访谈,文件翻译等等。

Chinese and Mandarin Medical interpreters


LA Translation and Interpretation will be happy to provide you with the most qualified medical interpreters for the most technical medical needs in China and in the U.S. as well as any part of the world.


Over the phone interpreters


Wherever you are, you can call 1-213-368-0700 and get connected to our interpreters over the phone for $4 per minute.

无论您在哪里您都可以拨打电话 1-213-368-0700 获取我们收费每分钟4美元的电话口译服务。

Minimum charge is for 30 minutes. Our interpreters over the phone provide Chinese and Mandarin to English, and English to Chinese and Mandarin as well as to and from Spanish, Japanese, French, German, Korean, Russian, Italian, Arabic, Vietnamese, and many others.


Voice Talents


Over the years, we have successfully provided Chinese and Mandarin voice talents for advertisements, promotion materials, and movies and dramas. We provide top quality voice recording in a professional quality studio for $400 up to 3 hours.

多年来,我们成功为广告,宣传资料,电影和电视剧进行中文和普通话配音工作。 我们在专业录音棚内提供最高质量的录音,价格为3小时内400美元。

Conference simultaneous interpreters


We have conference simultaneous interpreters rigorously trained in simultaneous interpreting. Full sets of conference equipments are also available for rental.


Business escort


We have provided excellent bilingual interpreters for major business meetings and consultations.

We are here to help you communicate better with your Chinese and Mandarin business partners, to make your business successful. We will be your partner in consultation, negotiation, entering into a contract, and email and phone communications.


我们的目的是为了帮助您与您的华语和中国商业伙伴进行更好的沟通,从而使您在商业上获得成功。 我们将作为您的合作伙伴进行咨询,谈判,签订合同,以及通过电子邮件和电话沟通的工作。

Travel escort


If you need a Chinese and Mandarin interpreter to accompany you for shopping and sightseeing, we have student interpreters who are fluent in both languages. Our customers report satisfaction on their friendly and helpful services.

如果您需要一位中文和普通话翻译陪伴您购物和观光,我们有能有符合您要求的双语学生口译员。 我们的客户对他们友善和有益的的服务表示满意。

Reserve Chinese and Mandarin Interpreters anywhere in the world


When you travel abroad, you can depend on LA Translation and Interpretation to provide top quality Chinese and Mandarin translators anywhere in the world.


We have Chinese translators and interpreters in Los Angeles, CA;Orange County, CA; New York, NY; Chicago, IL; San Francisco, CA; Miami, FL; Atlanta, GA; South Pasadena, CA; Washington D.C.; Dallas, TX, Houston, TX; Las Vegas, NV; Newark, NJ; New Haven, CT; San Diego, CA; Seattle, WA; Phoenix, AZ; San Antonio, TX; San Jose, CA; Jacksonville, FL; Indianapolis, IN; Austin, TX; Columbus, OH; Fort Worth, TX; Charlotte, NC; Detroit, MI; El Paso, TX; Memphis, TN; Baltimore, MD; Boston, MA; Nashville-Davidson, TN,; Denver, CO; Louisville-Jefferson County, KY; Milwaukee, WI; Portland, OR; Oklahoma City, OK; Tucson, AZ; Fresno, CA; Sacramento, CA; Long Beach, CA; Kansas City, MO; Mesa, AZ; Virginia Beach, VA; Colorado Springs, CO; Raleigh, NC; Cleveland, OH; Tulsa, OK; Oakland, CA; Minneapolis, MN; Arlington, TX; Vancouver BC, Canada;Seoul, Korea; Beijing, China; Shanghai, China; Jiangsu, China; Shandong, China; Shenzhen, China; Kunming, China; Taipei, Taiwan, Hong Kong,China; Tokyo, Japan; Singapore, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam; Hanoi, Vietnam; Ulan Bator, Mongolia; Manila, Philippines; Jakarta, Indonesia; New Delhi, India; Bagdad, Iraq; Jerusalem, Israel; Casablanca, Morocco; Kiev, Ukraine; Rome, Italy; Berlin, Germany; London, United Kingdom; Mexico City, Mexico; Brasilia, Brazil; Santiago, Chile; Buenos Aires, Argentina; Tunis, Tunisia; Cairo, Egypt; Bogota, Columbia; Dhaka, Bangladesh; Moscow, Russia; Lima, Peru; Sydney Australia; Havana, Cuba; Tirana, Albania; Algiers, Algeria; Yerevan, Armenia; Vienna, Austria; Sofia, Bulgaria, and in many more cities all over the world.


加州洛杉矶;加州橙县;纽约州纽约市;伊利诺伊州芝加哥;加州旧金山;佛罗里达州迈阿密,;乔治亚州亚特兰大;加州南帕萨迪纳;华盛顿特区;德州达拉斯,德州休斯顿;内华达州拉斯维加斯; 新泽西州纽瓦克;康涅狄格州纽黑文;加州圣地亚哥;华盛顿州西雅图市;亚利桑那州凤凰城; 德州圣安东尼奥;加州圣何塞; 佛罗里达州杰克逊维尔;印第安纳州印第安纳波利斯; 德州奥斯汀;俄亥俄州哥伦布;德州沃思堡;北卡罗来纳州夏洛特;密歇根州底特律;德州埃尔帕索;田纳西州孟菲斯;马里兰州巴尔的摩市;马赛诸萨州波士顿;田纳西州纳什维尔戴维森;科罗拉多州丹佛; 肯塔基州路易斯维尔杰斐逊县;威斯康星州密尔沃基市; 俄勒冈州波特兰; 俄克拉荷马州俄克拉荷马城;亚利桑那州图森;加州弗雷斯诺;加州萨克拉门托;加州长滩;密苏里州堪萨斯城;亚利桑那州梅萨;弗吉尼亚州弗吉尼亚海滩; 科罗拉多州科泉市;北卡罗来纳州罗利市;俄亥俄州克利夫兰; 俄克拉荷马州塔尔萨;加州奥克兰;明尼苏达州明尼阿波利斯;德州阿灵顿;加拿大温哥华;韩国首尔;中国北京;中国上海;中国江苏;中国山东;中国深圳;中国昆明;台湾台北;中国香港;日本东京;新加坡,越南胡志明市;越南河内;蒙古乌兰巴托;菲律宾马尼拉;印度尼西亚雅加达;印度新德里;伊拉克巴格达;以色列耶路撒冷;摩洛哥卡萨布兰卡;乌克兰基辅;意大利罗马;德国柏林;英国伦敦;墨西哥墨西哥城;巴西巴西利亚;智利圣地亚哥;阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯;突尼斯突尼斯;埃及开罗;哥伦比亚波哥大;孟加拉国达卡;俄罗斯莫斯科;秘鲁利马;澳大利亚悉尼;古巴哈瓦那;阿尔巴尼亚地拉那阿尔及利亚阿尔及尔;亚美尼亚埃里温;奥地利维也纳;保加利亚索非亚及更多城市和国家。


For more information on our Chinese translators and interpreters, please click here.


LA Translation and Interpretation, Inc.


2975 Wilshire Bvd, Suite 640, Los Angeles, CA 90010-1141


Phone: (213) 385-7781

电话: (213) 385-7781

Fax: (213) 385-7784

传真: (213) 385-7784


Do not go overseas unprepared.  Secure a good interpreter from a reliable U.S. company for a price much more reasonable than in those countries.


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