Maria Belen

Maria Belen

  • Public Translator of English since February 1999 from Escuela Superior de Lenguas, National University of Cordoba, Argentina.
  • English Language Teacher since March 2001 from Escuela Superior de Lenguas, National University of Cordoba, Argentina.
  • Final stage Magister in Traductology in National University of Cordoba, Argentina.
  • Sworn Public Translator Registered in Colegio de Traductores Publicos de Córdoba since 3rd of July 1999.


As Interpreter and Guide:

  • Lecturer: Nick Owen (london) in Salta 21 to 23 September 1997
  • Lecturer: Wayne Weible (EEUU) in Salta, 16 -17 September de 2001
  • Mr. Mlungisi W. Makalima, Ambassador  of South Africa  in Salta, 3 to 6 July, 2002
  • Mr. Toshio Watanabe, Ambassador of Japan in Salta, 3 and 4 September, 2002.
  • Mr. Steven Falken in Salta, 11 and 12 September, 2002.
  • Representatives and Organizers of the International federation of volleyball During the Male World Championship 2002 in Salta, 26 to 30 of September and 1 to 6 of October, 2002.

As Freelance Translator:

  • TRANSLATION OF personal Documents, Transcripts, Contracts and Scientific and Technical papers.
  • Translation for PACIFIC RIM Mining Co. 1999
  • Translation for EDESA- EDERSA. 2001
  • Translation of Different Documents and contracts for ENJASA and Casinos Austria International until now.
  • Translation Of “Mythology of the North Of Argentina” First and Second Part– declared of Provincial Interest with the sponsorship of Secretariat of Government Of Tourism Of the Province of Salta. October 2002- September 2003.
  • Translation of Dancers from Tastil 2008
  • LECTURER OF COMMERCIAL TRANSLATION, SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL TRANSLATION I AND II 3rd and 4th Year of the career of Translator of English in Profesorado Superior de Lenguas Vivas from April ,1999 to 2006
  • LECTURER OF ENGLISH GRAMMAR I 1st Year of the career of English Teacher in Profesorado Superior de Lenguas Vivas from March, 2009.
  • LECTURER OF TECHNICAL ENGLISH I AND II  in the careers of Health Institutions Maintenance and Mechatronics oriented to Autotronics UFIDeT June 2006

Courses attended

  • “Problem – Solving In The Translation And Terminology Of Academic Documents “

Córdoba, May 10thand 11th 1996. (8 hrs)

  • “Translation of Agreements of licenses”.

Bs. As. September 25th 1996. (4 hrs)

  •  “1st LatinAmerican Congress on Translation and Interpretation”

Bs. As. September 26th, 27th and 28th 1996

  • “Seminar on Legal Interpretation ”

Córdoba, July 7th and 8th 1997 (5 hrs)

  • “Fifth Annual Congress of Translators and Teachers of English:  The Challenges of the millennium”

Salta, 16, – 18 October, 1997. (40 hrs)

Ministerial Resolution Nº 185/97

  • “2nd Congress on Translation and Interpretation”.

Bs. As. 23, 24 and 25 of April, 1998.

  • “Workshop of the legal jargon on contracts”

Cordoba, 26 and 27 of June, 1998. (14 hrs)

  • “Reviewing and updating Grammar Topics”

Córdoba, 3 and 4 of July, 1998. (20 hrs)

  • “Workshop: Editing mistakes in the translation”

Cordoba, 3 and 4 of June, 2000. (10 hrs)

  • 1er Workshop of Translation “Towards the Translation of Contracts and medical Texts”

Salta, 6 and 7 of October, 2000 (14 hrs)

  • “Traductology of contrastive Linguistics” (Portuguese- Spanish-English)

Cordoba, 8 and 9 of March, 2001

  • 3er Latin-American Congress on Translation and Interpretation “From Babel to Internet”

Buenos Aires, 23-25 of April, 2001

  • Workshop “Translating Financial Statements from around the Spanish-Speaking World”

Buenos Aires, April23rd, 2001

  • Workshop “The CHALLENGE: Translating an Economic Analysis into English”

Buenos Aires, April24th, 2001

  • II Meetings of Spanish As a Foreign Language

Córdoba, 23- 24 of May, 2002.

  • Workshop on Contrastive Grammar: The Usage of the Article, Possessive adjectives and personal pronouns

Salta, August 24th, 2002.

  • Postgraduate Course: Specialized Translation. The Bank contract

Córdoba, 5, 6 and 7 of September, 2002.

Evaluation Passed.

  • First Argentinean Meetings of Professional Development Translation- Interpretation

Córdoba, 12 and 13 October, 2002.

  • Workshop: “Extraction and Analysis Of scientific and Technical Information”

Córdoba, 30 and 31of May, 2003. (9 hrs)

  • Workshop on Contrastive Grammar “Linguistics and translation: Equivalences”

Salta, 28 of June, 2003. (3 hrs)

Postgraduate Courses:

  • “Modern Contrastive Linguistics and Translation”

Córdoba, June 3rd to 7th 2002

Evaluation Passed.

  • “Traductology: Schools and Models”

Córdoba, April 11th to 16th, 2005 (40 hrs)

  • Workshop “Terminologic work”

Córdoba, 27thand 28th   de 2006

Evaluation Passed.

  • “Traductology: Schools and Models”

Córdoba, 4 -9 of August, 2008

  • “Modern approaches to the Science of Translation: Functionalist, Semiotic and Cognitive Perspectives in Comparison”

October 2nd, 3rdand 4th 2008

Evaluation: Passed.

  • Introduction TO SIMULTANEOUS and Consecutive Interpretation (Resolution 57/09)

Salta, April 17th and 18th, 2009 (14 hrs)

Evaluation: Passed

  • Course on Pedagogical Use of Virtual platforms

Salta, 17, 24 and 31 October, 7, 14, 21 and 28 November, 2009

organized by CAIE at Profesorado Superior de Lenguas Vivas

Evaluation: Passed

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